Sixteen years ago on this day, I made a pledge to find my own happiness. Those people who passed on this day inspired me. No more complaining about a life beyond its expiration point.

Within a year I filed for divorce and moved to a place where I knew no one. I never looked back. Those innocent lives lost forced my hand. If I was not happy, I needed to do something about it. No one else would.

Today, 16 years later, I live on the side of a mountain with two dogs who adore me and all my needs taken care of easily. I am creating a community of people who, like me, are tired of their status quo and want something better.

The Universe has proven itself over and over again. Magnetism is real and once you stop complaining, you will see for yourself how your view of your problem or situation is recreating itself over and over again.

As Pam Grout teaches in Thank and Grow Rich and E-Squared, life storms are supposed to be like Hurricane Hurricane Irma…..they are supposed to PASS THROUGH. You clean up the residue and move on. No one is supposed to live in a storm forever.

If your life is stuck, you are the only one to find your elixir.

My elixir is Turn On, doesn’t that make you curious?

Those people who passed on this day inspired me. No more complaining about a life beyond its expiration point.

Within a year I filed for divorce and moved to a place where I knew no one. I never looked back. Those innocent lives lost forced my hand. If I was not happy, I needed to do something about it. No one else would.

Today, 16 years later, I live on the side of a mountain with two dogs who adore me and all my needs taken care of easily. I am creating a community of people who like me are tired of their status quo and want something better.

The Universe has proven itself over and over again. Magnetism is real and once you stop complaining, you will see for yourself how your view of your problem or situation is recreating itself over and over again.

Life storms are supposed to be like Harvey and Irma…..they are supposed to PASS THROUGH. You clean up the residue and move on. No one is supposed to live in a storm forever.

If your life is stuck, you are the only one to find your elixir.

My elixir is Turn On, doesn’t that make you curious?

I sure never saw that coming, so to speak. I never imagined that re-igniting my dormant sexuality would change me so much. I thought that being dormant was permanent. I thought my sex life was supposed to fade and recede. Imagine my delight to be having the best sex of my life….at 64 and single. No, I never imagined the path that Uni (my affectionate name for the Universe) would guide me to find.

Never in my wildest imagination did I conceive that three years after leaving another man with my dog, my computer and  my clothes that the same Uni would once again resurrect my sexuality and use turn on to lead me again. Never did I imagine that I could create my own freedom and independence with turn on. I am ready to start writing about my process. Stay tuned…..


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