Do you mean WHINING could help me manifest faster?

Yes. Try these:

* I saw THE SECRET all those years ago, and I am still struggling.

* No matter how many Law of Attraction books I read, I can’t get ahead.

* I have listened to Abraham Hicks until I am purple, and my money won’t show up.

* It is exhausting projecting a successful image when I don’t feel successful.

* It is always feast or famine; I am always hustling.

Sound familiar?

There is a good chance you have sneaky thoughts that refuse to show themselves.

Especially since you work so hard to stay positive in spite of your situation, well, here is a technique I bet you have yet to try. COMPLAIN about it?  What????  Welcome to FLINGO.

Let's Play Flingo

Let’s Play Flingo

Imagine a game where you are encouraged to complain about what bothers you about your life.

The goal is for you to sense what it feels like when a storyline is sharp or hostile and when it feels softer or more neutral. There is a language of attraction that lets you tell your story in a way that helps people get you and lifts your mood. This automatically makes you more magnetic.

There are at least three versions of every single storyline.

Once you see many versions, you will feel a tangible shift in your energy around that storyline.  After transforming your story, you choose the version that most resonates with you. Then, all you have to do is commit to abandoning the old story.

Here are some examples from actual FLINGO games:

My husband cheated on me and left me at around 29.

I had a starter marriage that taught me exactly what I don’t want in a husband.

Even though my twenties had their share of challenges, I survived and learned a lot about what I do and don’t want in my life.

I only got to go to kindergarten for one week then they made me quit because they needed me at home.

I was a kindergarten dropout because my family only had one car, and it was hard for them to get me there.

Even though I went to kindergarten for just a short time, knowing me, I know I loved every minute of it.

My sister died when I was three, and it was like I wasn’t there.

Even though my family went through a lot while I was growing up, I can see now I am resilient because of all that I experienced.

Up until now, I never considered how grief must have weighed down my family, and now I have a new appreciation for all of us.

I worked for a con man who was abusive at my first job out of college and never paid for my taxes or unemployment.

Even though I have attracted a dramatic cast of characters into my life, the results have been chaotic, and I am ready for less drama like never before.

Up until now, I see that I took his behavior personally, and now looking back, I can see it had nothing to do with me at all.

I was too different from the other kids and never fit in.

Even though I never fit in at school, now that I am grown, I can see why and the truth is, I don’t mind being a loner.

While it is true that my school years were challenging, I am so glad those years are behind me.

Can you see how the italicized version feels softer and less needy?

Bingo! That’s the magic of Flingo.

What about you?

When you finally feel at ease about your life and all you have been through, using the Language of Attraction will become natural. That is when you see your fortunes start to turn. Here’s how to play:

Start by briefly listing your dramatic life experiences. One sentence will be plenty. Let your Inner Drama Queen scream. Then see if you can write other, more neutral versions of the same story. Use “Even though” and “Up until now” to help soften the blow of your mini stories.

Ask a buddy to do this with you! Be a manifesting team. The Language of True Desire is 100s times more magnetic than you can imagine. Every time you play Flingo, you will get closer to all you are waiting for!!



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