Even if you were not in special classes as a child, you could have unknown language learning issues that are blocking your Law of Attraction results.  There are specific patterns in how people use and/or misuse money that need TLC.

As Pam Grout so beautifully states on her blog :

ADHD and Money

ADHD and Money

“Somewhere along the line, we picked up this erroneous notion that life sucks, shit happens and the glass is half-full. Because we believe this as an inescapable truth, we expect that, we look for that and we create that reality.

We get whatever we look for—100 percent of the time. I would argue it’s irresponsible to look for anything less than unceasing joy.

You always have the choice. You can continue to believe in the world as is appears now or you can believe in a new vision. You can settle for “what is” or you can create something new. You can continue to interfere with Truth or you can step aside and let your natural joy rush in. It’s a simple matter of deciding where to shine your spotlight.”

What if you could change your experience with money by changing your thoughts? Even if there is one chance in a million (even I get those odds!), wouldn’t it be worth looking into?

So if you have carried the burden of an unaddressed learning style that has SHUT OFF YOUR NATURAL BORN RESOURCE STATE and left you with staggering debt, guilt and shame, isn’t it exciting to imagine there could be a solution you have never considered?

Curious? Take This Quiz:

Answer True or False:

I have problems with impulse spending.

I buy things without considering whether I have enough money to cover other expenses.

I don’t get around to recording expenditures in my online or checking accounts.

I rarely pay bills on time.

I have problems gathering all the tools to balance the checkbook, calculator, statements, check register.

I have trouble focusing on any tasks that involve money, my mind goes blank.

I make frequent simple math errors and may reverse digits.

I misspell number names when writing checks.

I have trouble with mental math, that is figuring out what 25% off an item or how much change is due me.

I have had money issues that have hounded me my whole life.

If something inside of you is going “DING DING DING DING DING,” I have really good news for you.

There is a chance that your brain, your wonderful adjustable brain, has simply never been given the information it needs to bridge you from childhood trauma around money and a workable adult action plan to deal with yourself now.

What if what Pam Grout says is true? What if it isn’t your Learning Style that is the problem? What if it is your THOUGHTS and THINKING about your poor money skills that is holding you back? If that is true, then why not work on changing those thoughts, right?

Still DING DING DINGing?   For a limited time you can get a FREE Money Energy Reading to help you see if your money energy is blocked, What are you waiting for?


(Quiz Resource:mindsodyssey.com)


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