When Bella and Murphy started barking, I checked to see what was up. They are great watch dogs and alert when see anything outside. The weird thing was that they were INSIDE the house barking at something in the corner of the room.

Stunned, I watched the five foot long surprise visitor crawl across my desk toward the door. Thankfully, there was not a rattle on the tail. Now I grew up with snakes, frogs and toads as my pets in South Bend, Indiana and I am not afraid of snakes.

BUT, not in my house thank you very much. Bella and Murphy were doing their best watch dog work and were barking and trying to paw at it. I grabbed a broom and lifted it outside the house.

Our uninvited guest scurried under a bush but that wasn’t enough. Bella ran outside and before I could stop her, she attacked that snake. Grabbed it and shook it like a rag doll. Yikes!

My house owner came out and was able to finish killing the snake and removing it. Truthfully, I was a little sad it had to die because it was harmless. Bella, the Wonder Dog was quite proud of herself. Murphy wasn’t sure about the whole event.

Those of you who have followed me for long know that I love animal symbolism and dreams. So of course I went directly online to see what the meaning is if a snake comes across your path. Look what I found.

“The idea of Snake Spirit slithering into your life may not, at first, seem appealing. Many people have an aversion or fear of Snakes. Nonetheless, the ancients around the world thought of Snake as a symbol of life, change and longevity.”

“It is not unusual for folks to seek out Snake symbolism and meaning when you need to heal or transform your life in some manner that improves the overall quality of living.”

“Several cultures including Celtic, Indian and Ancient Greeks felt the Snake embodied sexuality. It’s not surprising then that Snake Spirit may come to help you when you struggle with your passions and pleasures, and experiencing them wisely, without guilt.”

“The Snake opens Chakras, particularly the Base Chakra so you can understand and embrace sacred sensuality in body and Spirit. This path to energetic opening is referred to as a “Kundalini Awakening”. https://whatismyspiritanimal.com/spirit-totem-power-animal-meanings/amphibians-reptiles/snake-symbolism-meaning/

Wowzer. This is pretty profound for a woman who is embracing an idea about sexuality that causes people to be upset. Standing on the edge of the cliff of freedom, am I brave enough to spread my invisible wings and jump off?

In a word YES, FUCK YES.

Slut Shaming isn’t fun. Being judged because I love to write erotica and teach men how to arouse women. I embrace sexuality as a basic human right and monogamy is not important to me anymore.

Men think I am promiscuous because I write about sex, women raise their eyebrows and look away. It is not easy to be dominant and sure of myself when criticized and teased but I am driven to explore sex transmutation, no matter what.

So a snake shows up in my house. A spirit animal with strong sexual influence and promise of power and transmutation. Like I said, Wowzer. And thanks to Bella the Wonder Dog for being my protector.

Any animals show up unexpectedly in your life lately? Just type into the search window: What is the spirit meaning of __________ and fill in your animal. Leave me a comment and tell me what you found!!

Oh, btw, curious about my erotica world? You can find me here where I educate and titillate my readers: Nacho Mama’s Sex Ed


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