The Real Secret

The REAL SECRET? There is no secret. You can focus your mind on purpose or you can’t. (If you are tired of moping around in Excuse-ville whining about your money, scroll down and take this quick quiz.)

There’s Magic In Changing How You Talk About Money

Energy Tapping Works

Balancing Your Personal Magnetism Works

Your own self talk will tell you all you need to know about your relationship with money. 

Take this quick Money Self Concept Quiz to find out right now. Don’t think too hard, go with your gut feeling.

Answer True or False:

  • I can be overly self conscious, especially with authority figures present.
  • I can be easily subdued by stronger personalities.
  • I find myself with cold clammy hands and a dry throat when the pressure is on.
  • I secretly blame others for my failures.
  • I am single way longer than I thought I would be.
  • I tend to fixate on the worse case scenario.
  • I am secretly jealous of others who achieve my desires and insist on telling me all about it.
  • I start projects that look like they are going to pay off that fall apart for no reason.
  • I am sure that life has been unfair to me.
  • I have PTSD symptoms. (I startle easily, I am hypersensitive to loud noises, angry people or surprises)
  • I can be easily hurt and disillusioned.

Next step? If these statements ring an inner chime, it could be a sign of under developed charisma and personal magnetism.

What is your next step? Tell me exactly what is holding you back right now in the form below.  I would be happy to give you some ideas and resources!


When you are not sure about creating your desire or it gives you pause, you are feeling resistance to it. One way of countering this resistance is to ask yourself why you don’t feel comfortable or why you are responding that way. Many times, it will be due to the fact that you are just not comfortable with transitioning into the new and unfamiliar. You are not comfortable with letting go of the old thoughts/associations that feel comfortable to you. But once you recognize th at the familiar was once new and that likewise, you can get comfortable with what you want, then you will find relief about your desir


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