What a month. I have been hearing story after story of the good luck, new opportunities, goods and services and of course “invisible money” that has been flowing in. Feel free to add your own story to the comments below.

Manifestation Tastes Sweet

One of the sweetest manifestations for me last month was a 90 minute conversation with a family member. This particular family member and I talked together at a deeper level than ever before.

Why do I mention this? What does it have to do with Invisible Money? What I believe is that when you are relieved from worrying about money all of the time, there is room for other very beneficial things to come into your life.

When you are happier and more relaxed, you tend to attract more of that, happiness and relaxed thinking. Even in covidWhen you are physically at ease, it is easier to keep your mood in place. When your mind is troubled, do something physical before you try to figure it out mentally.

Physiology before psychology. Tire your body out first and then obsess. Trust me. It works.It is much harder to worry and obsess after physical activity. Sex is my favorite but if that isn’t available, run, bike, swim, do a plank, do something to give your brain and body a chance to detox from the stress hormones causing turmoil.

The value of my family member speaking so clearly and constructively was priceless. Now yes, I did attract some crazy wonderful things during the experiment and yes, I attracted both real money and invisible money. Those feel tiny compared to the “good fortune” I attracted with the connection with my kin.

How about you? When you look back over the last month, what manifested for you? I would love to hear your story! I am taking off next week and will be off the grid. My Project Manager, Kimaya, will be at the helm. Please add a comment below and tell us what manifested for you in July!

Also, super stoked about the Money Breakthrough Mastermind that is starting in August. This series of five brain trainings will be recorded for you so you can repeat again and again. You will LOVE this program. Here is a link with all the details:

[New Mastermind] How To Breakthrough Money Blocks – 5 Months of Know How in 5 Weeks (Fasten Your Seatbelts)

I will be back on Saturday, August 8 and look forward to seeing what happens next. Would love to have you in the Mastermind!

Thanks for playing The Invisible Money Game. I am tickled pink to have your eyes on this page!


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