Fairy Magic

🦋 Do you like Angel Card Readings?

🦋 Do you like to make people feel special?

🦋 Do you love Pam Grout?

Some of you may know that Pam Grout manages a foundation in her daughter  Taz’s name, the 222 Foundation. I always think of Pam when I see 222. This summer, I am doing an experiment, a Pay It Forward Experiment.

The 222 Foundation was launched to honor Tasman McKay Grout who spent 25 short years on the planet inspiring everyone who knew her to live and love better. Everything she stood for was some variation of this theme: create relentlessly, love fiercely and do quiet, kind things for the underdog.

Each year on February 22, the 222 Foundation awards a $10,222 grant to an innovative project or person with a big idea to change consciousness and therefore change the world. It is so cool to think that The Invisible Money Game can be part of this mission and make a difference around the world! That is magic.

This is where the Pay It Forward Angel Card Experiment comes into play. As manifesting tools, oracle cards offer inspiration and guidance and I love them. I own several decks myself. Each one comes with a small guide book to help beginners. Years ago I gave readings in a Metaphysical Bookstore.

Even though Angel Card Readings are super fun for me to do, I no longer offer them as part of my service. So I figure this is a great time to experiment with pure attraction. Let Uni do its stuff.

Goddess Rising

Today is 7/22/2020. Four twos and I just can’t resist shuffling my cards again!

So, For a limited time and in order to celebrate Pam this summer of 2020, anyone who donates 22.22 to the 222 Foundation wins an Angel Card Reading from moi, your humble Queen.

Would you like to see what the Angels have to say about your current situation?

Follow the link below and it tells you how to donate 22.22  and An Angel Card Reading is yours, as long as this link is live! Just send a screen shot of your donation in Messenger or email to invisiblemoneygame@nullgmail.com

Let’s bless the work Taz is still cheering on from the other side! How much difference can this Pay It Forward Experiment do? I will keep you posted!


Just send a screenshot of your donation and you are in! Ready, set, GO!

222 Foundation

222 Foundation looks for projects that support the following ideas:

1. A change in perspective is our greatest need. We believe all people (no exceptions) long to be generous and create beautiful things.

2. Today’s hopelessness is based on false premises. We look to defy the old story of scarcity, lack and the need to fight for resources. We aim to prove that the universe, once liberated from no-longer-working paradigms of scarcity, is generative and endlessly abundant.

3. The us against them model is kaput. We believe all humans are interconnected and that even tiny actions have great significance.

Here is your link. Donate 22.22 and An Angel Card Reading is yours, as long as this link is live! Just send a screen shot of your donation in in Messenger or email to invisiblemoneygame@nullgmail.com



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