Money Money Money

Money Money Money

Have you ever gone through a really hard time and on the other side realized you are better off than you were before?

Did you know there is a country song that is called, “Thank God For Unanswered Prayer.”

Thirty years ago, I was a Born Again Christian praying for my husband to change his heart and his ways. Two divorces later (ouch) I am happier than I have ever been as a single sixty something living on the edge of a cliff looking out at the ocean.

Being single in my 60’s was never plan A. But Plan U has been so much more than I could ever hope or ask for.

When the bottom fell out with my second marriage, I was living on the edge of a different kind of cliff. I truly didn’t know where the money would show up for my rent.

In 2015, I found Plan U. That is when I read E-Squared by Pam Grout. The rest is history. Next thing I know she added my story to her book Thank and Grow Rich and I became HOOKED on Plan U.

Plan U includes living in a garden setting with mountain, river and ocean views.

Plan U includes meeting people from all over the world who are vibing right with me.

Plan U includes so much love pouring in and around me that all the past pain means nothing..

Plan U lets me play manifesting games with people all over the world so they can have fun too.

Plan U? Yes. U is for Universe, Divinity, God, Source or whatever you want to call the unexplainable.

I love Plan U, so does Joanette. (Read til end for details.)

Plan U led me to you. Curious about Invisible Money? Good. Then you are in the right place. Take a listen and see if it resonates with you.

Brain Training For Attracting Invisible Money ~ How To Leverage Your Negative Thinking

Download this #InvisibleMoney Brain Training Right Away:

Self Proclaimed Queen of Invisible Money

PS If you even THINK about quitting your manifesting and giving up, mark your calendar for Sunday, June 21 at 3:00 pacific time. Joanette is sharing her manifestation story and you don’t want to miss it. I met Joanette in January and then out of the blue (wink, wink) she was the first person to sign up for the Invisible Money Game!

I messaged her and we caught up. I was stunned by what crazy situations had to all line up for her to be doing exactly what her deepest desire had been only 6 months ago. I asked her to come and tell her story. She agreed and you don’t want to miss this call. The call in numbers are the same.

Manifesting a Woman Owned Business Success in Covid – A True Story – Download Here.



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