Do you think some people are born lucky?

Take a look at this note I got from a client (and self-described “lucky person”) just yesterday:

Hi Catherine,

The other morning I said to myself, “What do I want to manifest? I thought, I want someone to help me finish paying for my surgery.”  Hot Sh*t!! I got the money!! I won $1500 in a contest, one day after your Wealth Clinic! WTF?!?!?


Is it possible to learn what the lucky people know and become luckier yourself?

I call people like Toni, “Natural Manifesters.” I meet people like her all the time. They never heard of the Law of Attraction and yet, they manifest like Esther talks about.

Yes, I believe it is totally possible to be luckier. Lots of people think that I am super lucky, I mean how many people get two free cruises given to them, right?

What people don’t know is that it was an adventure in Cancer Land 10 years ago that kicked my luck into gear. I was so intent on surviving, I bulldozed through years of shit, literally, to get through that rectal cancer and on to a life that has been nothing short of amazing.

Lucky people have a lot to teach us. I talk to them all the time and I want to share with you exactly what is special about them.

Now that it is March and St. Patty’s day is coming with the leprechaun promising gold at the end of the rainbow and all, it is the purrrrfect time to work on getting lucky.

Lucky Money

Lucky Money

If you feel unlucky or that good things always happen to other people, then I hope you will join me on Saturday.

I am holding an open training call on why naturally lucky people are so darn lucky and how you can use their ideas to become luckier yourself.

If you are onboard, just fill out the form below and I will send you the call in information for this special free call. (Luckily, there will be a recording if you can’t attend live! LOL)

Lucky Charms will be served. (Just kidding! LOL)

How To Get Lucky Free Recorded Training Call
Three Things All Naturally Lucky People Have In Common

I can’t wait to share this hot info!! Register right here and I will send it over to you ASAP!


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