How do you tell if your heart’s desire is coming from your core or if it is just wishful thinking?

[Quick Start 😉: This is exactly what I teach about in this download. Just like you can strengthen your bicep or your skill at piano, you can also train your brain to be an ally in manifesting. I promise. Listen in. I try to keep these trainings to 30 minutes with an action plan. Got a topic idea? Drop a comment below. That would be great! Here is the training, recorded 7/18/20 How To Tell The Difference Between Core Desires and Formed Desires]

Did you realize that it is possible to FORM a desire out of ideas or thoughts that have a different feel to them than a desire born at your deepest core?

I didn’t know this twenty years ago. I spent years on “formed” desires and didn’t even know it. I didn’t know how to recognize and focus on what I now call Core Desires. All I can tell you is that it seemed that everyone around me got results and I didn’t.

I think that might be what Napoleon Hill talks about in Think and Grow Rich when he talks about a “Burning Desire.” I used to wonder about that.

 How do you make a desire burn, right?

When I started “manifesting” on purpose it was in the late 1990’s. I started to listen to Abraham Hicks at a time when my life was pretty much crumbling. My long term Christian ideals fizzled at the same pace my 29 year marriage did.

Little did I know that I had a “formed desire” that didn’t manifest. Not only that, the opposite did. Though, I sure didn’t know it at the time. I didn’t talk in the same language but I believed in spirit for sure. So why didn’t all that focused intention, I mean prayer work out for me?

I prayed intently (created intentions) that sounded like this. “The husband will be won by the quiet behavior of the wife.” Years of it. It never manifested. My marriage was never restored even though I focused intently and prayed faithfully.

All these years later, living a life I could never have lived if I stayed married, I can’t help but look back with new eyes.

What if it was never my Core Desire to be married to my former husband forever and for always? 

Maybe I FORMED a desire out of other people’s ideas and my own blind promises to something I had no idea about at 21 years old. Maybe formed desires are not very reliable. Yikes.

If that is the case, how can you know for yourself, is your heart’s desire formed out of your unreliable thoughts or is it a Core Desire destined to manifest easily?

Could Core Desires radiate stronger magnetism than Formed Desires?

And what does that really mean? Exploring your desires to see if they are Core or Formed is not that hard to do. There’s a recorded training right here for you, but, read on for a cautionary tale:

All that being said about the extreme magnetism of Core Desires, go with me, if you will, on a journey back in time. Imagine that it is mid 1200’s and you have a sound, solid, felt to your bones Core Desire to build a cathedral that would astound people for years.

Now let me tell you how history worked out. I am talking about the time it took to complete the famous cathedrals in Europe. Take the Cologne Cathedral. The second-tallest church of Europe. It took 500 years to manifest? What? Was it a true core desire? What happened? (Cool post about these mega long term manifestations.)

I know some teachers talk about a level of confidence where you can specify when and how things show up.

I will never argue with anyone else’s experience. I am not in their shoes. I only know my own experience. No one can tell what is your core deepest alignment feels like either.  Only you. What I think is that we better be damn sure that your current heart’s desire is born at the core, right?

If you do not know what it feels like to be in a deep sense of felt physical ease while you are awake, then I would start there. Tiring the body is a great way to start to know what “alignment” feels like. That’s what I do.

I love to remind myself PHYSIOLOGY before Psychology.

That is,  whenever I am fidgety, achy or upset, I do something physical before I try to figure out what is bothering me or what to do next. Walk the dogs, work in the garden, hike the hills, brain training reminds me to do something physical when my mind is disrupted, worried or afraid.

My latest is to do the Cupid Shuffle when my body gets fidgety. Gee, do you think that is why I am fidgety? My body saying ok, enough writing, young lady. Hmmm.

Managing and modulating my inner sense of well being is entirely up to me. Only you can know what disrupts that mind state for you. Doing the Cupid Shuffle is stupid easy and you can do it indoors. I like to think of all who might click the link and join in!. Grin.

These are really challenging times. Which is why it makes a great petri dish for testing the limits of what is really possible to manifest in spite of all. Who is in? Here is the training, recorded 7/18/20 How To Tell The Difference Between Core Desires and Formed Desires

Are you playing The Invisible Money Game yet? Why not, silly. The Invisible Money Game

PS. My internet speed is so delightfully pokey today that I need to send out a stripped down version. A part of me hates that because I have some really cute images, lol, but another part of me is committed to this daily blog dealio and so here it is. Love you, fellow magician! 🎩



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