Here is a handy 911 for you when you are having a tough time remembering how to keep your spirits up. Having a plan for when your life is a having a shadow moment is a really good plan.

How about you?

Any Grumpy Grumpingtons in your life? Is your job getting on your last nerve? Are you waiting to hear news that just won’t get there? Life always deals its share of unfair or uncomfortable circumstances…to all of us.

When you lose your peace of mind, you might have these symptoms:

  • Clenched jaw
  • Ache near your ear
  • Tight Belly or Butt Cheeks
  • Headache
  • Fidgeting
  • Self Critical Thoughts
  • Worry

If this sounds like you feel part of the time, here are some ideas to pack in your own personal Energy First Aid Kit so you are prepared. You wouldn’t go out for a long bike ride without water and a snack. Same with life, don’t go out without your Energy First Aid Kit. You never know when you might need it.

  1. Angel Cards – There are many beautiful decks of guidance cards on the market. Years ago it was Tarot Cards and as a Christian, it was a huge no no to use them. These days, I love my cards. I have several decks and drawing a random card is one of my favorite ways to lift my spirits. You can pick them up on Amazon or major book stores.
  2. Go Outside – Once again, Uni (what I am calling the divine these days, short for Universe) has placed me in an environment that is deeply embedded in nature. Being outside, hiking through the property, I am in tears at times at the sheer beauty of my surroundings. It is next to impossible for me to worry when I am outside.
  3. Abraham Bingo – If you have followed me for long, you know that I am a big Abraham Hicks fan. I don’t always agree with everything I hear in the countless Youtubes I have listened to over time. But, there is something in the calm logic Esther uses that really comforts me. To play Abraham Bingo, type this into the search window: “Abraham Hicks YouTube _________________ (add your problem) Watch the first video that comes up.
  4. Close Your Eyes – Not when you are driving, please! LOL Seriously, when you sit straight up in a chair and close your eyes, your brain downshifts. Isn’t that cool to know? You can bring comfort to yourself for sure when you need to. Even three minutes of sitting straight up with your eyes closed with some deep breaths will help.
  5. Music – Creating playlists on Youtube is the easiest and always free way to collect a group of feel good songs. Start with the year you graduated from high school. Next time your house need cleaning, pop your playlist in and party hearty.

What are other things you do to lift your spirits when life throws you a curve ball? Add to the comments, I’d love to know how you keep your balance during tough times!


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