It is June 10, 2018 and it is a sad day. Suicide is up way up, 25% in the US, 30% in some states in the last 25 years. The suicide rate for Americans between the age of 50 and 64 is up drastically, for women an 80% increase according to CBS News. Ouch. It still stings to think of the loss to the planet of luminaries such as Anthony Bourdain, Kate Spade and countless others.

I don’t feel deep sadness very often. Ever since I made it through rectal cancer 11 years ago, I realize that I can detach from a lot more than I thought I could. That education taught me to find happiness in even the darkest moments. I use energy healing tools every day to keep myself functional with all of the chaos in the political and social worlds I operate in.

All that being said, even I, the perennial optimist, considered suicide when I was in that battle, for a minute. I am lucky. Unlike others, I don’t have recurring thoughts that tell me that ending things is a good idea. I spoke to a girl yesterday who told me she has thoughts that say, ‘I should kill myself.”

Thankfully, I don’t have those thoughts.

What I do have though, is the experience of having a friend end her life.

I know the shock and sadness of being left behind. I also was angry with my friend…at first. Why didn’t she call me?

I also know how hard it is to ask for help. Even though I hate asking for help myself, I now know it is even more important to be a good role model so, I plan on asking for more help. Starting today.

How about you?

Have you ever felt alone and unsupported?

Here is the Suicide Hotline Information. One time I called them, not because I wanted to hurt myself, no, I called them because I had a problem I didn’t know where else to go. The woman on the other side of the phone was kind and gave me five minutes of direction. Take care of yourself.

Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention



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