EFT Energy Tapping
EFT Energy Tapping

Wouldn’t it be a relief to “turn off” disappointment, discouragement, frustration (especially frustration) whenever you needed to?

It is a lot easier to change your mood than you think. When you can switch moods quickly, you will feel empowered. Imagine being able to stop your self defeating thinking in its tracks.

Energy Tapping works. It is easy and fast.

I want you to hear for yourself. Katie has been practicing mood shifting for about 6 months now. The Magnetizer Session you will listen to is only the third she has had over this time period.

(While I do take one on one clients for Core Magnetism Resets that extend over six months, Katie has only had three 15 minute sessions.)

Learning to refocus your thinking on purpose, so you can change your mood whenever you need to, changes you.

When people perceive you as easy going and unstressed, you attract opportunities and kindness from strangers and friends alike. This is what I learned from Pam Grout when I read E-Squared in 2015.

Look at what I got just today from Katie:

In November I ordered yarn from a very popular yarn dyer in Germany, the order never came, and my emails were not answered. In the past I would have been angry, and would have taken extreme action to get a refund. Instead I decided to totally detach.

I forgave her in my mind and affirmed this yarn or something better will come to me at the Divine right time. Before this started I had entered a yarn giveaway contest that I had forgotten about. So it had now been 3 months since not getting my order, and I get an announcement message that out of thousands of entries I won her yarn giveaway.

On top of that on the same day I received an apology email because she had received the yarn she sent out to me back to her, and she was shipping it back to me. ALSO, on top of that a friend got me a gift card to yet another yarn dyer’s shop as a bday gift. So in detaching I got what I wanted and more!

This is why I love the Law of Attraction. When you are perceived as “at ease,” you are seen as desirable. It is that simple.

There are countless tools that work to keep you at your best. Yoga, church, hiking, biking, dancing, meditation, prayer, sharing with a close friend and a myriad of others are all around you all the time. EFT- Energy Tapping is just one tool in that wonderful group and it is fast, easy and fun

I bet some cool stuff has been showing up for you too, I would LOVE to hear about it, drop me a story in the comments below!

Enjoy Katie’s Magnetizer. It wouldn’t surprise me a bit of the energy tapping you hear in that 17 minute session (OK, I try best I can to keep it at 15, LOL) doesn’t resonate with you too!

Did you feel pressure in your chest as you listened? Did your eyes tingle? Did you giggle or yawn? All of these are signs that energy is moving.

Magnetizers are easy and very affordable and you never share anything personal. Energy is different than memory. Even though your hardship is in the distant past, your progress could be completely stuck because energy is stuck.

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