

I heard the news today of the passing of Pam Grout’s daughter. In fact I read the blog post right before this class today.

It was a bit of a struggle for me to express the gratitude and appreciation I have for this courageous ordinary woman, Pam. I am happy to say I met her and have given her a hug. I wish I could do that today.

One thing Pam taught in Thank and Grow Rich is a new definition of “WEALTH.”

Wealth – The ease and freedom to be generous.

This is the theme of my life since I read the book in summer of 2016. In order to pass that beautiful insight along as well as to let you in on one of my most reliable processes to help you trust when new people come into your life, I am gifting you with today’s Money Breakthrough Training.

Send your love and energy to Pam, she is going to need a lot of love over the next few months for sure….

Feel free to download: http://fccdl.in/6dVEnfGm3Y


PS Whenever loss visits a friend’s life, there is almost no more helpless feeling in the world. One thing I found in my hospice work as well as my work at the pet cemetery is that you can always say, “This really sucks.” Trust me on this one. You can’t say this enough because this really does suck. Hug someone special today.


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