Low Money Set Point

Low Money Set Point?

It has been quite year, hasn’t it? Upheavals, setbacks and reversals and that is just in your home! To say nothing of the world out there and your place in it.

I am quivering with excitement (more on the cause of that later) about the Great Money Experiment 2.0.

Ninety days of focused intention on changing your senses about money. That’s right. You see, I have good news and bad news about money and manifesting. The good news is that it is possible to manifest money as well as lots of other material things, the bad news?

Well, this one is a killer. The word MONEY is NOT a positive vibrating word for most people, especially people who use the words like “broke” “penniless” “down on my luck” “unemployable” and feel lousy about where they are in life today.

In fact, if that rings an inner chime, think about this. The word LOVE is just about as bad as MONEY. Why? Lots of people have been badly hurt in the name of “love.”

Why does all this matter? It is super important. You see, in my world, words are energy containers. Words carry positive, negative or neutral energy. It is fairly black and white.

Let me give you an example. I will give you three sentences that say the same thing. See how the words in each one hit you.

😡 I hate how my neighbor knocks over my trash can every week.

😌 Even though my neighbor’s rudeness gets on my last nerve, I am glad I don’t live with him.

😑 Inconsiderate neighbors are part of living in America today.

Charisma is Irresistable

Charisma Is Irresistable

Abraham Hicks always encourages to get into the Vortex. What if you can’t find it?

When it comes to Money (and to love also) it can be very tricky to sort out which energy is being activated. Without this skill, your results are spotty at best. Learning to modulate your personal energy will change your magnetism. How do I know? This is exactly what I did three years ago that changed the direction of my life. (Thank you, Pam Grout!)

So here is how you can tell if you would benefit from this year’s Great Money Experiment 2.0. Take this quick quiz and see how the overall concept of money “feels” to you right now.


True or False:

When an unexpected bill comes, I feel fear.

I have a good job but I am just not satisfied.

I sweat making my mortgage/rent payment.

I work at getting ahead but I can never really make progress.

I act happy when good things happen to my social media friends but secretly I grieve that I can’t have it.

I buy gifts for people when I don’t have money for my own life.

I feel jealous of people whose life looks easier than mine.

Every time I get ahead, a bill comes or something breaks so my money is never ‘fun money.’

I regret a lot of my purchases.

I have garments and goods hanging in my closet with the tags still on them.

I can’t resist a sale or a BOGO offer.

I shop online too much and it is hard to quit.

I have tried everything and I just can’t turn my money life around.

Money Paralysis

Money Paralysis

I call it The Money Paralysis Quiz because when you are stuck with your money issues, it feels like you are stuck in a straight jacket with no way out….paralyzed. If you resonate with this quiz, you want to be in the experiment for sure.

Here is the registration link. There will be a community meeting for text Money Self Concept trainings on the app Discord. It is available through android or apple apps. (Money Self Concept? Yes, as an adult, you need to stand loud and proud and sure of what money means to you.)

There will be a weekly recording and it will be posted in the channel on Discord.

I have zip zero plans to do another class on money for awhile.

Alright, I think that is all I have to say at the moment. If you are interested in the no charge Great Money Experiment 2.0 sign up here and I will get all the details to you. We start on 10/01/18.




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