I was chatting with a 42 year old man over the weekend. He opened up quite vulnerably and told me he feels like a clueless teenager when it comes to sex.

Single and not dating. Introverted and and financially strapped. Stuck and no clue why.

We went on and talked about how clueless he feels talking about pleasure with a woman. He described how his voice disappears and his throat tightens when things get intimate. He told me that he doesn’t want to date. How sad is that?

Where does a good looking, highly educated, employed and eligible bachelor go to “grow” himself up sexually?

In Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill reports that a high sex drive is common in successful people. (Be sure to read Chapter 11). What my young friend is becoming aware of is that his finances and his romantic life are both barely alive.

Why Can’t I Be More Confident?

So what did I recommend?

1. Own Your Situation – Are you dissatisfied with your sex life in any way? Be real with yourself. If you are longing for experiences you just can’t manifest for yourself, you owe it to yourself to figure it out. Just admitting that you are lacking is a HUGE step in the right situation

2. Adjust Your Situation – Does the Mystery of Sex Transmutation have the power to help you? Yes. No one teaches you how to leverage your sexual energy in school. Only you can adjust your personal settings. 70 million copies of Think and Grow Rich have been sold. It is a great place to start

3. Restore Your Factory Settings – Can a reboot help? Certainly. If your life has been peppered with sexual and relationship disappointments, your “hard drive” is cluttered with drama and trauma. Some people go completely dormant sexually. Others waste away alone chatting on erotic chat sites looking for random relief.

4. You Tube To The Rescue – There are tons of youtubes that teach everything you want to know about sex transmutation. Dig in and see if you can do it yourself. There is a reason they call it “The Mystery of Sex Transmutation.” If the youtube remedy doesn’t bring answers, reach out to someone for assistance

5. Assess Your Potential – Look into your past. How many significant breakups did you have? How old were you the first time you were intimate? The younger you were when you began having sex, the more likely your brain is stuck in adolescence. The more breakups you had, the more likely your brain is stuck in a defensive mode to keep others away. The painful gap between who you are now as a sexually confident human and who you were born to be is your golden ticket.

Your promised solution is in between your ears. Change your thinking about your past with sex and romance and you will change your fortunes. If you are not confident talking openly about sex, that is something you can control. As an adult, don’t you have a right to be free to pursue your wants and needs without judgement?

What do you need to melt through the years of disappointments? Do you feel embarrassed to even be thinking about it? That’s exactly how I used to be. LOL. I couldn’t say any sexual words out loud without blushing and stumbling until I was well over 50.

Once I adjusted my own settings and simply matured myself, my brain and my language around sex, love and intimacy, transmuting energy became natural, the way it is supposed to be.

Sex energy is pure positive energy. If that intrigues you and you simply want to know more, shoot me an email and let me know. I love chatting with fellow Think and Grow Rich fans and would love to talk with you and answer any questions you have! cat@nullcatherinebehan.com


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