Am I where I am supposed to be?

That question lands on my squarely today. I cancelled plans to go to San Diego this week. Border tensions changed my mind. Even though I was disappointed to miss my friends and delay my visit, I had a strong desire to stay home.

Living by my gut and following my intuition intently is my primary goal. Even though I choose the path of most allowing, as Abraham Hicks repeats all the time, I still get distracted and anxious just like anyone else.

I love celebrating the Moon Cycles because they serve to remind me there is a rhythm to manifestation. I may feel very secure one month and the next month not so much. Living in Mexico is full of opportunities for anxiety and loneliness. Excellent manifesting practice. LOL

While I have tools like EFT (Energy Tapping), a weighted blanket, a drum, a himalayan singing bowl and a variety of other intuitive tools, planning a moon ceremony helps me bring problem areas into focus.

According to, this New Moon in Aries holds some powerful mojo. “We are relinquishing all inappropriate, controlling behavior based in fear, all pessimistic beliefs, all rigidity, all lack of responsibility and commitment, all powerlessness from this lifetime or any other lifetime.  Forever. Tremendous opportunities here for letting go.” 

Holy Bleep!

So let’s get busy and organize for the New Moon tomorrow, April 5, 2019. Here are a few questions to help you gather your thoughts. Let’s grab some fearful, pessimistic, rigid and powerless thoughts that keeping the law of attraction from working for you.

Are You Where You Are Supposed To Be?

Take a look at your life. Where are you in your career? Where are you in your love life? Satisfied with both? If not, let’s use these two important life areas to create a New Moon Ritual so you can let that shit go.

Aries New Moon Ritual – You will need a hand mirror, paper and pen/pencil/marker, somewhere safe to light the paper on fire or a paper shredder. A candle and flowers are a nice touch as well as a glass of fresh water for you.

Step 1: Ask – Looking at yourself in the mirror, ask “If I am in the exact same situation in a year, will I be soul satisfied.” If your answer is no, how strong is the resistance to staying where you are. Rate from 1 to 10. One is satisfied and ten is miserable.

Step 2: Choose – If the answer is no, choose to analyze your situation. If you feel stuck in your career or love life, see if your thoughts fall into any of these categories:

A. Fear – Complete this sentence and write as many thoughts as you can. Don’t rush the process. “If I am in the same situation next year, I am afraid _________________.” (Repeat this same sentence with a new fear thought in each one.

B. Pessimistic – Repeat the process with this sentence: “I feel most pessimistic about this because ________________.” (Repeat this sentence with a new pessimistic thought in each one.)

C. Rigid – Repeat the process with this sentence: “The thing that is keeping me here or the reason I have stayed so far is ________________”

D. Powerless – Repeat the process one more time. One new thought for each sentence. “The worst thing about feeling powerless is ____________.”

Step 3: Decide – After all that housekeeping and unearthing the anchors that are holding you into place, are you ready for change? The Universe doesn’t want more than your willingness. Do the work on the inside first.

Step 4: Destroy – As a symbol of your willingness to let go of the fear, pessimism, rigidity and powerlessness that is anchoring you, burn, rip up or shred your notes. Put some passion into it. Pulverize those thoughts.

Step 5: Talk To Someone – Pick one person to bring into your decision to do something for yourself before next year at this time. Commit to decisions, actions and accountability. Don’t let another nano-second go by without knowing the answer to this question: Am I where I am supposed to be?

Be sure to leave a comment and let us know that you made a choice to dissolve a new layer of resistance so you can manifest faster this New Moon!


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