Negative Nellie

Tempers may be short in your living environment these days. We are living through some tough times. If someone in your life is prone to whining and complaining, how in the world are you supposed to stay positive?

What if you could actually use negativity to blast through personal limitations? What if you didn’t have to avoid negative people? Imagine if you could actually welcome negativity. Is that crazy?

Not really. Napoleon Hill and Abraham Hicks clearly teach that negativity/contrast is really good at getting your attention. If a complainer is in your life, it can drain you faster than a Florida Sink Hole.

So what is a Manifestor to do? Read on:

Why “Difficult” People Help You Manifest Faster?

You are reading right.

“Difficult” or “Negative” people might actually be to help you manifest faster. Now before you close your device, give me a chance to explain.

Pam Grout and Abraham Hicks agree, so do Oprah Winfrey, Tony Robbins and Michelle Obama. A Positive Mental Attitude makes for a more successful life. People are naturally attracted to people with strong positive personalities. Whether you need customers, clients, leads, students, shoppers or publicity, you will not get it without one super important ingredient….


That’s right. Whatever you are waiting for, whatever you want the Universe/God/Divine Source to bring to you, whatever that is, the mode of delivery is usually a person.

Think about it, when is the last time a sum of money appeared on your door step without a person being involved?

How does it all work?

According to Napoleon Hill, the number one way to get really connected to people with money is to have a pleasing personality.

He teaches that people like doing business with pleasant people and that adjusting your personality is the fastest way to get people to give you their money and other fun things.

My way or the highway!

So, what do you do with “negative”, “grouchy”, “manipulative” and “unpleasant” villains in your life? How can you stay positive with all these negative nellies getting on your last nerve?

Here is what I recommend. Follow these simple steps:

How To Manifest Faster Using Negative People’s Energy

1.Accept that negative people are part of life and will always be part of your life.

2. Be ready to stop whining about how unfair it is that your negative person is so rude to you.

3. If you are ready to take back the energy from your negative person and use it to manifest your dream, say YES!! Say it again, loudly.

4. Think of two foods that do not go together. (I am not kidding.) I pick mustard and applesauce.

5. Mustard is not bad. Applesauce is not bad either. But together? Ew!! Ew!! Ew!! Now let’s look at the people different from you.

6. You are different from your crabby crotchety colleague, aren’t you? You are applesauce, sweet but a little tart. Your colleague/friend/family member is mustard, sour with a bit of bite.

7. Assign your negative nelly into the mustard category. Then all you have to do is to remind yourself, “Mustard is fine in the right place. Applesauce is fine in the right place. Together they taste awful.”

8. This funny little exercise works miracles to lighten up a positive thinker who is forced to keep company with a negative thinker. Simply reminding yourself that you are as different from that human as mustard and applesauce opens your brain to new thoughts.

9. So they are mustard, let them go be mustard. Let them flavor the hotdogs in their lives. Let them be. Turn your attention away. CHOOSE what you want your mind to focus on.

10. Celebrate your applesauceness. Find people who love to share your values and ideas. (You can join my Manifesting Community for example!) To manifest as fast as possible, you need to be connected to all kinds of people, even mustard people.

[Bonus Success Tip: Be sure to share this article with a friend and both of you take on the mustard/applesauce challenge. Who can you pick in your life to practice on. Affirming and allowing them their sour selves will for sure shift your energy and bring a lot of laughs.]

Hope these tips are helpful!! Good Luck!

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