$100,000 in Thirty Days

Thank you to those of you who have sent results in to The Invisible Money Game, so far!

It is fun to read through the stories. I wish I could explain why this game is such a good manifesting tool. I just can’t. Once again people are manifesting real money as well as other signs of abundance.

This is as simple an idea as putting on your shoe. Anyone can do this and once again, results come flooding in.

We have 7 more days in July. Simply keep track of everything that manifests. If it is something unexpected that you didn’t need to use your own real money for, make a note of it.

At the end of July, everyone is sending their totals to us and Kimaya, my faithful assistant and I, are going to count the results. Will we get to $100,000 of Invisible Money? Get ready to send in your results next week! Stay tuned to find out!

Here are just a few stories from this round of The Invisible Money Game:


I started using the lucky bitch app to track invisible money but after a short couple of days I was not seeing any and wondered what I was doing wrong… than tonight it dawned on me when my husband brought home more drinks from work (soft drink company employee) I have not tracked a single case of the water, juices, coffee and sodas he has brought home all month. So after talking with him about their value and how much he has brought in I entered it in the app. I realized I still needed a little over $200 and than I see a post of free classes in business offered by Virginia Wesleyan college. I have been looking for business training so I signed up for 9 classes that are self paced. Plus the free offer ends today. Now I have went twice over my original goal… and with more value coming from what I learn from the classes. I’m so impressed and excited. DH

As many of you know I headed to my in-laws yesterday was blessed with using my daughter’s car saving me $300.00 car rental. $80.00 food brought in. JW
I am happy to report… I received a check in the mail for 225. That was owed back to me! I had no idea – I was owed it! Also- I received so much inspiration that I completed my website! I received and email from a gifted healer, and intuitive and thought ”send her your website”. She loved it so much she asked me to be on her radio talk show!! No idea she was a radio host. She told me she just started in March! The showed is owned by Oprah and broadcast to 30 countries! About two years ago, I was manifesting to be on the Oprah show. No idea she had a radio company! MJC

Manifesting Tomatoes!

I live next to Montréal, Canada. This month has been full of up and downs. My best friend moved back to France. and she gave me all she had here. Today I had at my door a big pot with 2 tomato plants, a cucumber one and viola. A friend missing me from the covid situation left it at my door. Yesterday I received a bottle of wine, from my ex husband, which is not in his custom. We just lived an extra long 10 days on too hot weather. And a friend brought me a free air conditioner. Last week… speaking to a colleague, i was telling her that a had hearing loss. Just from under her desk.. she gave me a hearing aid !!! Did not try it yet lol. Life is generous theses days! GT

SO blessed and grateful! Just received notification that an unexpected deposit was made to my account. I am so giddy I feel like a child! Thank you Uni! Thank you to this group for all your positive vibes! Thank you, thank you, thank you! AV

The Check WAS in The Mail!

My first husband and I had 2 boys together. We divorced after 5 years and my oldest son was 4. It took many years of courtroom battles to finally start receiving child support on a regular basis (they started garnishing his disability check a few years back but he still owes arrears). When this coronavirus hit, my oldest son had to stop working and spent everything he had saved on living expenses. He never received a dime of unemployment because our state is really messed up. A couple weeks ago I received my ex husband’s stimulus check. Just in time to pay my son’s rent. My son is almost 29 so you know how long the child support battle was. Thank you Universe! BH


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