E-Squared changed everything.

When I first read E-Squared in 2015, I heard other readers talk about “E-Squaring.” It made sense to me because I did start living life the “E-Squared” way.

Watching for daily evidence of manifestation has an amazing result! (Thanks Pam!) More and more stuff starts manifesting. I totally see why people called it, “E-Squaring.”


Plus when I meet other manifesters who saw “The Secret” years ago and are bitterly disappointed because “It didn’t work,” I totally get it.

One woman told me recently, “I read/tried E-Squared four times and it NEVER WORKED.” WTF??

How come E-Squared works for some people and not for others? Why do some people get things overnight and you sit home empty handed? Is there a tool or technique that can help?

Yes. Yes. YES.

One of the things I love about Pam Grout is how damn practical she is. I am a proud practicer of “E-Squaring” and continue to be forever!. Here is a magical trick I learned to create intentions that work for me. Check it out:

Oh, as usual, your likes, shares and subscribes are like hugs for real. Connection is priceless. Thanks.



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