Got to be screwed in!

I like to think about manifesting scientifically.

Knowing that magnetism and attraction are scientific and not airy fairy has helped me profoundly.

Look at the picture above. It is not reflecting truth. Do you know why?

You are not like this light bulb. You do not light up when you are not connected. You cannot manifest yourself out of a paper bag if you are not connected. So how do you know if you are not connected?

Here is a list of symptoms of being unconnected to Source (out of the Vortex)

  • Constant worry about things you have no control over.
  • Bills that are higher than your monthly income.
  • Insomnia or inability to stay asleep at night.
  • Binge eating.
  • Forcing yourself to do manifesting techniques that aren’t fun.
  • Hiring coaches to help you and never getting good results
  • Waiting longer than a year for a manifestation to show up.
  • Secret jealousy of other people’s manifestations.

When you are feeling relieved and fully enjoying something you radiate a real force field.

Full satisfaction and relief have a real feel. Very different than need and dissatisfaction.

Building a bank account of true “feel good” moments and milking them for all their worth actually changes your persona.

When people feel you as a happier and more fulfilled person, they are naturally drawn toward you with opportunities and experiences that will surprise and delight you.

That kind of magnetism is mesmerizing and hard for people to resist.

Now, how do you do it, right?

I do processes every day even though I am years into this lifestyle. One of my faves is detaching from thoughts that hold me back.

Queen Of My Own Mind? Yes!!


I want to be the queen of my own mind. How about you?

Here is one of my go to tools, never fails me.

Good luck! 🍀

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