Tick, Tick, Tick.

I did this to myself. I committed to daily blogging. Since moving to Mexico, I haven’t written enough, so I set a daily goal. Every day is filled with wonder. That’s so lame, but it is true. I feel like I am living in a movie.

Tears come at the oddest times.

Local friends of mine are moving soon. It is exciting to watch their plans become real. An ocean view becomes a reality as they move into the hills surrounding La Mision.

Just like in the states, a new home is a celebration. The buyer and the seller are thrilled to celebrate a fresh start. What is not the same as the states is the road condition.

I have already mentioned it, however in every new area I explore, the off roading you have to do drastically impacts everyday life. Now that I am here for awhile, I am falling into comfort going five miles an hour. It is what it is.

Some native people get annoyed, I suppose. The people who have befriended me are just peaceful about it. The way people accept pretty dang rough living conditions is fucking amazing.

In the states, I can’t imagine anyone I know who would endure driving here. And yet, the stunning beauty and the genuineness of the people is irresistible. So here it is, 11:28 pm on Monday and I am determined to get a post done, in spite of myself.

So here are my three observations for the day.

Queer Eye – I resisted watching the new version of Queer Eye for the Straight guy. I love that show back in the early 2000s. I was recovering from cancer back then and the makeovers were a part of my recovery.

Tonight I tuned into Netflix and started binging on the new Queer Eye. I don’t know what it is but I love makeover shows. Having the five gay guys fussing over the men and women who need a new look always moves me.

Having five adults, not related to you, cheering for you, believing in you and calling you out into your future. This moves me. I soak in the emotion I feel from the person focused on in the story. Delicious.

Mosquitos – Fuck. I haven’t had mosquitos in my life since 2002. No kidding. When I left Wisconsin, I left the mosquitos. Not so much in La Mision, Baja. Holy Bleep. I want to get mosquito netting for my canopy bed. How African Queen, right?

Nachos – I am lucky enough to be friends with the owners of a very cool surf shop in Alisitos. I am even luckier that I sampled their nachos on the first day of snacks and goodies.

Living within an hour of San Diego has its advantages for sure. Getting to a big box store in the US lets the shop owners use mouthwatering cheese and other nacho toppings. Wowzer. It takes so little to tickle me pink these days.

Time to turn in. Thanks for reading along. I am back studying Rocket Spanish and I’m starting to feel like an expat. Never saw that coming. Giggle. More tomorrow!


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