Getting Better and Better

Monday Motivator

Starting the week with an open mind and heart is sure a win win situation for you and the people in your life.

Wouldn’t it be nice if something fun manifests this week? Uni (the divine) has a heavy investment in your success. When you succeed, manifesting gets attention. Attention creates momentum.

Momentum makes real magic. Peek at this video, see how straight up momentum is? It always works once it is set into motion, unless something interrupts it. This is a scientific principle, not airy fairy.

Brain Training for Manifesting

Here is a Brain Training designed to help you use your refrigerator as a template for sharpening your manifesting skills.

Want to Turbo Charge Your Results?

  • Add EFT/Energy Tapping as you listen. You don’t need to tap for the whole recording. Simply tune in and when you feel any resonance with an idea you hear, tap. That always helps the ideas soak in.
  • Take a walk while you listen. Adding physical movement while your brain is turned on with new ideas helps you manifest faster.
  • Wash, rinse, repeat. Bookmark this post so you can listen again if parts of this training gave you goosebumps or any other physical sensations.



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