

Don’t you love Ellen?

What a perfect name she has. Ellen The Generous.

I used to think to myself, “If my ship ever comes in, I sure would like to give gifts away like Ellen does.”

Now that I am in Mexico, I watch everything on YouTube. I can binge on Ellen’s give away clips whenever I want. I watch her give away, cars, money, houses, trips and even computers and TVs. I cry right along with the lucky winners. I always think, I wish I could be as generous as Ellen!

For some reason, I always “feel” right along with the people Ellen shines her love upon, always wishing I could be like that. Giving out prizes to random people. Well, guess what? I am kinda doing an Ellen! For real!!

People win prizes every day in The Invisible Money Game.

Handing out gifts is every bit as fun as I thought it would be. I bleeping LOVE playing Ellen. Take B.G. for example. When she manifested $10,000, yes, you read that right, she reached out to tell me. Now I get to thank her Ellen-style with a special treat. Thanks for the inspiration, Ellen The Generous!

And now, “How I Manifested $10,000” contributed by B.G.

B.G. has been a law of attraction fan since watching The Secret years ago. She is what I call a “natural,” she seems to be in the right place at the right time a lot of the time.

Finding parking spots and good deals when she needs them happens often and B.G. has lots of proof that there is something to this attraction thing. One time, while out and about in Sedona, she thought a quiet thought, “Wouldn’t it be nice if I had a small oak shelf for my place?”

Within five minutes she passed the exact thing she was looking for in an unexpected location. Shortly after that, she thought, “Gosh, some nice lounge chairs would be terrific for my deck.” Bingo, within days, the exact right chairs showed up.

These are great examples of how “Invisible Money” adds up.

Money Money Money

Invisible Money

Invisible Money is the value you get when you don’t have to use your own money to have or do something. In other words, you have something or get to do something without using any of your own real money.

That way, you have more options when it comes to using your real money because you have more of it to use on other things. This is the secret to The Invisible Money Game. The more Invisible Money you attract, the more real money you have to spend.

Plus, Real Money always follows Invisible Money. As you relax, have fun and most importantly track your Invisible Money, Real Money always shows up. Back to B.G.’s story, and it is a doozy.

Because of Covid19, B.G.’s work situation is complicated. She tried to get a small business loan but it fell through and things were starting to look grim. During the same time, she felt a strong inner urge to change her thinking about a problematic family member.

Even though this person got on B.G.’s last nerve, she consciously chose to flood the person with Ho’oponopono. Over and over again she said the four phrases without much expectation. The person is not easy to love yet B.G. was compelled to speak them again and again, holding the person in her thoughts.

Here is where the story gets crazy.

This complicated family member who gave B.G. such a difficult time over time had an Ellen moment.

That’s right. The very same person who had been distant and dismissive in the past turned around and gave B.G. an extraordinary gift out of the blue. The gift? $10,000 with no story or comment. Out of character? Perhaps. The result of being marinated in Ho’oponopono? Could it be?

Why don’t you try it for yourself. Choose someone in your family who has been mean to you. Someone who doesn’t understand you. Someone who belittles or dismisses you. For one week, say these four statements while holding them in your mind. See what happens.

Maybe they will have an Ellen moment, too. But, even if they don’t, you will be better for it. Thanks to B.G. for sharing your story. DM me so I can give you a gift for sharing your story with us!

The practice of Ho’oponopono is mysterious. Plus, it is super easy. You can do it in just four easy steps. Repeat these phrases like a mantra until you feel at p
  1. I Love you.
  2. I’m sorry.
  3. Thank you.
  4. Please forgive me.

I believe we all have a deep hunger in our heart to hear these four phrases from someone who has hurt us deeply. Every time my ears get to hear my voice say these words over and over, it is as if I am giving the best gift to myself.

Over years I realized that I don’t need my dad or mom to say these things to me. That is a good thing because they are dead now anyway, lol. Hearing my own voice say these powerful words is a good medicine. Try the Ho’oponopono experiment for yourself.

Pick a difficult person and for just one week, ho’oponopono them! Let me know how it works!



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