How are you? If you check in today and the politics, weather and pandemic get your attention, then your current “I am” might look like this:

I am discouraged. I am lonely. I am feeling hopeless. I am trapped. I am…..fill in the blank, right?

I am ____________. It is awfully easy to fill that sentence with negatives, especially now, October 2020.  Why is it so much easier to think of the stuff we don’t like about ourselves instead of what we DO like? Abe calls this contrast…seeing the opposite of what is really there. You are beautiful human full of wonder but if you keep saying the opposite, guess what? You keep waiting for your stuff.

Bad feelings aren’t bad, they just feel bad.

Think of the blank at the end of the sentence, “I am___________.” as a sort of energetic container.

Wouldn’t it be wild if these words contained the power that your mind can then use to replicate whatever is placed inside those word containers? That being said, how do these feel? They maybe true but do we need to keep thinking them?

I am fat.

I am not good enough.

I am uneducated.

I am lonely.

I am bored.

I am poor.

I am broke.

I am worried.

I am getting old.

I am never going to get anywhere.

I am a failure.

I am helpless.

Yikes!  Need I go on?

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could fill your “I AM” word containers with more positive wording?

Manifesting is fun, but only if what you are doing to build your manifesting muscles is fun. That is why I love how Pam Grout teaches to do things in experiments in E-Squared. Then you can measure results, make adjustments and move forward.

Sometimes I feel resistance in my jaw, like a dull ache. I never felt a single reaction like this in my body til I was well into my 50s. My body was quite literally frozen, locked in a permanent cringe rebelling against life and self protective beyond reason. It was energy work/tapping aka EFT that changed everything for me.

That was nearly 20 years ago now and now there is hard science to back up what I know has been working for years. Gary Craig, the founder of EFT, told me once in an interview I was doing to get his view about tapping and autism when I asked about documented results to report back to my school staff, “I don’t have time to do research, I am too busy getting results.” Luckily we now have measurable proof that cortisol levels drop when the acupressure points are stimulated.

That’s what energy tapping is all about. Take a look at the science and thanks to the folks over at The Tapping Solution for doing the heavy lifting.

Tapping works whether you can feel your body resisting or not! What do you watch for? Check in with your throat? Upper chest? Stomach? Take a couple of deep breaths while you lay your hand on the part of body where you feel pressure or heat.

When you are trying to think new positive thoughts about yourself it might make you wince or feel embarrassed. Like setting off an inner alarm bell. Even though the new thoughts are at least partially true, your mind is saying, “Oh no, can’t go there. This feels fake.”

That is perfectly normal. Your body is responding because there are actual biochemicals running through your system causing a physical reaction. I never knew this until very recently and this really is a key. That is why we tap.

This rush of inner cringing frequently carries with it forgotten hurts from experiences from years ago. Because there are chemical reactions that go along with emotions, I can be more compassionate with myself knowing that I really can’t help getting upset. It is my body’s way of processing past emotional pain.

When you notice this kind of reaction while you are doing any manifesting exercise, stop and follow these steps to set yourself up to tap away your inner cringe. When your mind is running amok, you are manifesting worry and worry is always a sign your manifesting is stalled. You have to stop affirming the opposite of what you want in your thinking.

How To Stop Affirming The Opposite Of What You Want

1. Take a deep breath and see how intensely you are reacting.
2. Rate it from 1 to 10 with one being low. Just admit to yourself that you are struggling a little right now.
3. Begin to calmly say these I AMs or any that come into your awareness as you tap. Here is the Tapping Map.

EFT Tapping Points

Try these new statements on for size. You might be a little discouraged. That’s ok and even beneficial to be real about the times you feel sludgy. If your mood is low, these statements may ring false for you. That’s ok. Rate them on a scale of 1 to 10. Measure again at the end of the experiment to see if you feel differently.

I am starting now to talk to myself with different words.

I am skilled at specific things others cannot do as well as me.

I am ok right where I am.

I am learning more about myself all the time, and I like what I see.

I am catching myself more often when my thoughts are going in the wrong direction.

I am proud of myself.

I am feeling deep love and appreciation for myself.

I am resilient.

I am a tough cookie.

I am very experienced in the school of life.

I am choosing to see that anything is possible.

Take a deep breath. And another.

Now check and see if the intensity has changed.

Now try these for Round 2:

I am ok exactly how I am.

I am making progress.

I am better off than I was last year.

I am continually learning and growing in understanding.

I am calm more often.

I am trusting my inner guidance more and more.

I am seeing more and more of those amazing coincidences called synchronicities.

I am learning to hear from my heart.

I am tuning into my intuition regularly.

I am strong.

I am healthy.

I am prosperous in all ways.

I am wealthy.

I am beautifully clothed and housed.

I am loved.

I am love.

I am peace.

I am happy.

I AM happy.

Now check in again. Take a couple of deep breaths and see if you feel any different.

Remember, anytime you make an affirmation that just doesn’t feel good, it is an engraved invitation to find and reclaim your creative energy locked away in some forgotten hurt. Repeated tapping will relieve the inner pressure.

Every time you tap, whether you feel anything or not, you strengthen your connection to your intuition.

The stronger your intuition, the better your decisions. This is the true Secret, when you can depend on your own intuition to guide you clearly. The more steadily you can hear your intuition, the more likely you will be in the right place at the right time.

Like when I needed to sell my car to pay for my divorce and the guy I sold the car to sent me on two luxury trips with his mom because we both said Holy Mackerel. For real.

Please leave a comment below if you could feel your energy shift as you changed your “I Ams.”

Post originally published on

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