Pam Grout Experiment

Newest Pam Grout Experiment

Hi Valiant Manifesters!

Welcome to Week 1 of The Course in Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (And Therefore Your World)

Ever since I took a deep dive into Pam Grout’s books inspired by the Course in Miracles (E-Squared, E-Cubed and Thank and Grow Rich) my world has been turned upside down.

Even though the last 6 years have been chaotic and disturbing as I left a violent man without cash or resources and had to start my life again at 61, the truth of what Pam teaches in her books always led the way.New

Because Pam has had the courage to cling to the truths she believes in, even though life cruelly took her daughter from her in a freak medical tragedy, I am even more determined to do the same.

Whether you have read any of Pam’s books or all of them, I know you know what I mean when I say, this woman has cornered the market on practical and elegant advice for managing crisis and staying positive.

Game Plan: How To Play

Starting this Saturday, May 9 at 9 am pst, the Manifest Faster Lab will be open for you to join other Law of Attraction and Abraham Hicks fans in a group experiment using Pam Grout’s new book The Course in Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (And Therefore Your World).

How do you participate?

1.Join The Manifest Faster Lounge (Skype Audio) if you don’t already belong. This will be the community where you will find all the support you need to wrestle the complaining right out of your manifesting life!!

2.Get a hold of the book: The Course in Miracles Experiment: A Starter Kit for Rewiring Your Mind (And Therefore Your World)

3. Read the Preface- We will talk about the purpose of the Experiment and how to pick an intention on Saturday. Calls will be recorded.

4. Join the audio class on Saturday May 9 at 9 am pacific time to meet your other experimenters and to choose intentions for this project!! (All calls will be recorded for your convenience.)

5. Get ready to rock your world. There is nothing like the energy of a group when doing one of Pam’s experiments.

6. Cross your fingers. Wouldn’t it be great if Pam could come into our chat community and visit with us one day?

7. Leave a comment below and let us know, what is it you really want to see change in your life during this Course in Miracles Experiment (CIME)?

SO much love for you this morning!

See you in The Lounge,


Crying On Purpose Helps

Crying On Purpose Helps

PS Oh, I almost forgot, why is it I cry on purpose? Over time I have climbed over and through some personally devastating crap including divorce, sexual abuse and rectal cancer. I am still here and living large in Baja. Pam Grout’s writing has inspired and challenged me to my core.

One important thing I learned was that I had to find a way to have deep feelings. Unwilling to cry so that the people who hurt me would see the Ice Queen staring back at them, I was stuck with a huge lump in my throat most of the time. I got used to it.

Soon I took the advice of my daughter who told me when she felt like that, when the tears refused to flow, she would watch a sad movie. Brilliant. Now with Youtube, I can instantly access deep emotion and tears and I do it routinely. Here are three YouTube clips that are sample of my personal “It’s-My-Party-And-I-Will-Cry-If- Want-To Remedy.” Enjoy. BTW, grab a tissue:

Dog recognizes owner after being missing for years:

Jeffrey Mayi, a 6-foot-7-inch man, was brought to his knees when his mother, whom he hadn’t seen for 10 years, surprised him at his home.

Son surprises dad with a once in a lifetime gift:

PPSS Be sure to share this post with your Manifesting Buddies!! The more the merrier. Thanks! 😘


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