What is a positive person supposed to do in a shit storm of world circumstances?

Can’t We All Get Along?

How do you keep focus on good when the news is all so bad?

The world seems to be falling apart and yet, Abraham Hicks still echoes within my mind. The Law of Attraction still attracts me, no matter what.

So what is a manifester to do when everything around you feels painful and cold?

Even nature is having fits.

At times like these, certain words bring me a lot of comfort. I like to munch on them, chew on them, meditate on them.

Today’s word is “SATISFY.”

Satisfied: the fulfillment of the desires, expectations, needs, or demands of (a person, the mind, etc.); given full contentment to: The hearty meal satisfied him.  dictionary.com

The habit of focus will bring you what you seek.

Here is how to use SATISFACTION to master your mind and stay on track.

The Satisfaction Reaction Experiment

Step 1: Identify what you are dissatisfied with. Make a list of all your current complaints. This is a key step. Trying to stay positive when you are surrounded by crud is next to impossible. Write down every cotton picking thing that is bothering you today.

Step 2: Create a list of 25 things that you have accomplished so far in your life. Realize that you have dodged and weaved and finagled yourself to this moment. You are amazing. No matter what happens, you get back up, grab a personal development book and keep on going. Make your list. If you struggle, ask a friend to brainstorm with you. You are a master manifester. Claim it.

Step 3: Do a satisfaction audit. Do you feel wonderful about the accomplishments you wrote down? Can you feel focus and clarity when you see what you have done? Rate each of your twenty five accomplishments on a scale of 1 to 10. One being ho hum, no big deal and ten being shivering with delicious self pleasure. Celebrate yourself.

Step 4: Make a commitment to experience satisfaction every day for a week. Use the word “satisfied” as often as possible. When you eat, comment, “This food is so satisfying.” When you spend time with a friend, tell yourself, “That friendship is deeply satisfying.” Make use of the strong vibration of the word satisfy to focus your mind as often as possible.

Step 5: Keep Records.Ok, I know this is not the most appealing part, but get over yourself! There is not a more powerful step, I promise. During your “Satisfaction Experiment,” keep a running list of all the things that appear. Add an asterisk to the list for all items that SATISFY you.

Law of Attraction promises that what you focus on expands. Esther promises in every Abraham Hicks recording, “What you focus on expands.” Do you believe this?

Put yourself through “The Satisfaction Reaction Experiment” just for one week. Prove it for yourself. Can you bring more satisfaction to your life by using the word “satisfy” to define your circumstances? Can’t wait to hear your results!

Be sure to leave a comment and let me know, was this blog post satisfying? Grin.


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