What’s the missing piece?

I am getting some great questions.

The mind can get twisted into knots when the topic of money is in the air. Every time you stretch and push through your money discomfort, you step closer to the kind of integration that will make life so much easier.

If you are like me, you may have been locked in a battle between a willful part of you that likes to have what it likes to have and an equally willful part of you that is fucking tired of the fight.

Let’s have a show of hands. Who here is sick and tired of anything on the list below: (Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me!)

  • Vision Boards
  • Affirmations
  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Card Readings
  • Card Readers
  • Personal Development Books
  • Life Coaches
  • Journaling
  • Law of Attraction Groups on Facebook

Is it fun?

Here’s the thing. It’s not like you don’t need or even enjoy these things, some of them are excellent manifesting tools. The problem is that if what you’re doing is not fun, it is simply not going to last. If you are using a manifesting tool that is not fun, STOP IMMEDIATELY.

And, if The Invisible Money Game seems complicated, reach out. I think it might be TOO easy, seriously.


Let’s look at the question of the day.

“My brother in law’s estate finally settled and I am getting a large settlement check. Is that Invisible Money?”

Answer: Yes. No. Kinda.

Yes. In that you were not expecting it, money appearing out of the blue is UNSEEN money that came from an unexpected source.

No. In that it is REAL money that came to you in an expected way. It doesn’t matter and that is what is fun about the game. This is the fourth round of The Invisible Money Experiment (that’s where you commit to 30 days of record keeping, writing down everything that manifests.) and I can tell you that there are no hard and fast rules. Just keep track of everything that comes in.

Kinda. The crazy thing about recording manifestations, especially Invisible Money is that all kinds of fun things start to happen. I collect stories of the tickets, meals, clothes, furniture, tons and tons of food and yes, even real money  that have manifested since June 10 when we began. You can read them for yourself here:

When I played the Invisible Game the first time in 2015, I used a small notebook and kept two lists. One was for all the money, gift cards and unexpected income. The other was for gifts and found objects and opportunities that had huge value to me.

When it comes to a court case settling, this is how I look at it. When you are collecting Invisible Money, you begin to radiate a very fulfilling energy. Why? When you are satisfied with your life right now and it is true, no bull shit, that is super magnetic. No kidding.

It is highly likely that you will get a more favorable settlement or that the timing of the case can be impacted by YOUR change in magnetism. So, what I would say is don’t sweat the invisible stuff. Just keep track of everything that comes in. At the end of the month, I will teach you how to count up your results that aren’t cash!!

Good luck!

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