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I am choosing to embrace hate today. Why?

I am so tired of pretending that I don’t hate the behavior of many of my own friends and family. Now the election is only one day away and everywhere I look people are behaving badly, I am exhausted.

I hear my mind say “I hate Person X.” I hate that I have that thought. I hate how my body tenses up and the lump in my throat gets tight as I try hard not to say hateful things out loud.

I hate that people act in ways that hurt people. I hate that people take sides. I hate that the world in covid is painful and awkward socially. I hate covid. I hate that my own family members are mean to each other over politics.

Yes, I do hate how people act. I also hate pretending it doesn’t bother me, because it does. So this morning, one day before the elections here in the states, I am going out on a limb and I am choosing to embrace hate instead of resisting it so desperately.

Yes, I am a hater. A part of me grabs a hold of my belly and squeezes the breath out of me when I hear stories of how people in authority are acting right now. I can’t stop that squeeze. So I surrender. I give up. I accept the hater part of me. There I said it.

So now what?

Recovery Thought #1: What if “hatred” is an energy and not a thing to be avoided?

Recovery Thought #2: What if “hatred” is a natural part of life, a part of being human?

Recovery Thought #3: What if “hatred” could be turned on and off?

Recovery Thought #4: Wait, could “hatred” have a benefit?

Recovery Thought #5: What benefit could “hatred” have?

  • What if hatred could be a motivator for good because if a person gets mad enough they can get involved with a cause they care about.
  • What if hatred could be an instigator for change when people choose to act for the greater good.
  • What if hatred can save your life if you are living in a dangerous situation and need to move out.
  • What if hatred can be a strong call for some kind of inner change.
  • What if my soul is calling me to be honest and embrace my inner hater?

Recovery Thought #6: Wow

Recovery Thought #7: What are you going to do about it, Catherine?

Recovery Thought #8: Even though I am deeply disturbed about “hatred” I am open to embracing hate because the idea is so strange, I figure WTF.

Recovery Plan: I am going to let myself be mad, what a concept. I am going to let myself be led in tapping by someone I trust so I can deal with my secret hatred. What about you? Do you want to let yourself be mad too? I felt so much better after I tapped.



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