What is Social Distance Syndrome? I don’t know I just made it up. LOL

Seriously though, I am doing an experiment on how being in forced isolation effects the manifesting world.

Now that priorities are shifting and money is not flowing like usual, are the Universal Laws still operating? If a part of you shouts, Hell Yes, then I would love to have you be part of the experiment.

Hello Out There!I am opening two social groups, one on Skype where we will work with the law of attraction directly. Games will focus on raising your vibration, goal setting, money energy exercises, energy tapping (EFT) and Abraham Hicks material.

https://join.skype.com/Hc7dRqK7qdAD When this window opens, you click “Sign in/Create. The system will set you with an outlook.com email to use to be part of the group. Its easy to join!

The second group will be on Facebook. This is for building humor and having fun. It is called Games, Jokes and General Mischief. Here is a place for anyone that wants to hang out, chat and either watch or participate in a game. https://www.facebook.com/groups/522695638422174

In the midst of all of the traumatic things going on, small blessings continue to show up. A whole bunch if itty bitty lights makes a dark room brighter. I really hope you will join my experiment. Can we manifest some good in this very scary time? I believe so.

Please reach out if you have any questions, ok?

We are in this together, we really are. This is no time to stop focusing on finding well-being, no matter what.

I always offer tapping demos in the Skype group and during this trying time, I want to give a thank you gift to anyone who joins the experiment. When you sign up to either or both of the groups, contact me for your EFT tapping session to settle your nerves and calm your mind.

I am giving Magnetizers (30 minute tapping sessions normally 49.) to everyone who joins my groups in April. I know tapping works and I want to meet you. ❤️

Oh, by the way, here are some symptoms of Social Distance Syndrome:

  • Boredom
  • Insomnia
  • Micro-managing your significant other, if you have one
  • Endless Netflix Scrolling
  • Too much eating, drinking and making merry
  • Nitpicking your housemate/s
  • Anxiety and Worry
  • Remembering back to 2019 and thinking how bad you thought it was back then. LOL
  • Forgetting how to be grateful in a bad time


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