Thanks for being a part of the Invisible Money Experiment! Even if you didn’t actively participate, your energy is part of our energy in the experiment so thanks!

I have gotten several stories about Invisible Money showing up, but this one will blow your socks off!

Hey Catherine!

You are not going to believe this! Well you probably will- lol- but I’m still in awe! So that invisible money experiment you had us do- it’s for real! I made a commitment to write down everything invisible and visible and guess what?! Since March 1st I have gotten $4300 in invisible money!!!! Can you believe that! I mean I’m a little embarrassed I didn’t see this before. At this rate I’m going to be making six figures by the end of the year! Haha! This invisible money is no joke! Thank you for showing me how much Uni is taking care of me with this fun experiment. You have really opened my eyes to the invisible world of money!


P.S. I can’t wait to see what Uni has for me this week!!!

E Squared

E Squared by Pam Grout

That is quite a story, right? I love getting these stories because it builds my own momentum to hear what is showing up for my readers and experimenters. I hope you will share yours in the comments below. This stuff really works! Thanks Pam Grout!!

Anyway, I wanted you to mark your calendar for this weeks Magnetizer Monday because you have a chance to get some money magnetizing action for yourself!! Katy has had several magnetizer sessions where there is no teaching or consulting….just pure tapping.

On Monday there will be a 24 hour Flash Sale where you can pick up four Magnetizers for only $99. They are normally $39.99 apiece. You will not be the same once you have 4 magnetizer sessions in a row. (Katy is happy to share her experience with you. If you want to be connected, I can connect you on her Social Media.)

Watch your email box on Monday. I am sending a special link that will only be valid for the Flash Sale. I can’t wait to show you the magic.

Manifesting Invisible Money Is Delicious and a critical first step to real wealth!!

Oh, by the way, If you haven’t had a chance to listen to a Magnetizer and tap along with it, here is a link so you can check it out before Monday!


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