Here is what I know so far:

  1. In 1937, Napoleon Hill wrote about how wealthy people live.
  2. He reported, in Think and Grow Rich, that highly successful people, have strong sex drives.
  3. Mr. Hill talked about “transmuting” that energy and using it for being successful.
  4. If you have worries about money, that is proof that your mind is stuck in a loop of fear and worry.
  5. Mr. Hill says that is where sex is a powerful tool. He claims that sex is the strongest distraction for the human mind.
  6. Could distracting the mind be the key to financial freedom?
  7. Learning about my own sexual desires changed my entire life.
  8. Over time, sex gets boring.
  9. In 1967, Think and Grow Rich (with Peace of Mind) was released by Napoleon Hill. The sex chapter was still included.
  10. Nearly 18 months into my own experimenting with transmutation, I am still asking: Could finding a way to keep sexual energy hot and flowing attract success?

How about you, curious?

I am still studying Sex Transmutation (as Napoleon Hill talked about it) and I would love to have your thoughts and opinions. For some reason, talking about sex makes some people nervous and upset.

That is a really GOOD thing. What? Why is being nervous and upset a good thing? 

Here is why:

  • When you are nervous, your mind gets distracted
  • When your mind is distracted you stop succeeding.
  • When you stop succeeding, money stops flowing
  • When money stops flowing, life sucks.
  • When your life sucks, you dive deep to change things.
  • When you change your mind, everything else changes.

Abraham Hicks teaches that sex energy is pure positive energy.

So how do you get more sex energy?

What if you are single?

What if you are celibate?

What is missing for you when it comes to sex?

Do these questions make you uneasy?

Does talking about sex, money and success make you confused?

Leave a comment and let me know. 


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