Broken Dreams

Finding my way through a messy second divorce left me spinning in 2014. Even though I had been listening to Abraham Hicks for nearly 15 years, I couldn’t manifest myself out of a paper bag and a happy resolution to my marriage was a gazillion miles away.

I was miserable and contrast was every where I looked.

Did my intuition try to warn me in 2005 about not knowing this man well enough. Yep, sure did.

Did I listen. Nope, sure didn’t.

Why does that happen and what can you do about it? Well, I have good news and bad news.

Bad news first. A lot of times it takes being under extreme hardship and disappointment to help you arrive at the place where your TRUE HEART’S DESIRES live. When things turn dismal and what you thought you could count on disappears, you meet yourself for the first time.

The good news? It is really good news. Once you can own your life, really own it, stop blaming and making excuses for any bad circumstances, anything is possible, truly anything.

I know bad luck sucks. Covid sucks. Losing your job sucks. Having rectal cancer sucks. Having friends and family stay away because of your stance on racism sucks. Not having close friendships with family who live in a different country sucks too. Only one of those things is untrue in my life. You can guess which one.

I am here to tell you, just as Abraham Hicks teaches over and over and just as Pam Grout reminds us even after gut wrenching tragedy, focusing your mind on purpose and choosing what you are thinking about works.

Repeat firmly and often, “Even though I can’t see it now, things are always working out for me.”

There is no guarantee that life is not going to reach up and bite you in the heinie. The Good News? There IS a guarantee that choosing your thoughts changes your perspective and that is something Abraham, Pam and I all agree on!

What you focus on expands. Every. Single. Time.

That being said, here is my favorite story of the week so far. Angie tells how a loss of a job and a boyfriend propelled her into a really sweet deal. Enjoy!

Dear Catherine,

Sometime in June, I randomly but probably not so randomly, stumbled upon the Invisible Money Game.

Since then so much has happened.

So much. Crazy!

Firstly I received a complimentary and very nice coaching call that was a wonderful exchange from Catherine ($100).

Throughout this month an acquaintance from high school and I have been in touch. He’s a successful entrepreneur (Multi millions in revenue, whom is passionate on helping others develop their skills.) He has been a supportive and encouraging influence for me. I cannot get over his generosity and just pure love. That is the most touching.

2 calls, fair amount of Invisible Money ($200)??

I am now living in a dream space. It’s a home/ cottage on a quaint lake 8km from my kids and former home. A 2 minute walk to the only school my kids have ever known.

My Ideal Home

My Ideal Home

The place is a miracle. Pure peace. Space.

When I knew I had to move out, it was hard. I loved the village we have raised our children In but it’s so hard to find the right place.

I also have all my clients locally so finding somewhere close was so important to me. Not only did I but, the actual place is all I could have ever wanted.


My landlords children go to the same school as mine :). They gifted me a lovely sectional couch ($200) and a set of wicked bunk beds complete with desks and drawers ($250).

Dreams Happen!

In return I offered to clean the place upon moving in, as an appreciation for their thoughtfulness…to alleviate that detail for them. Little did I realize just one year ago the need there was for just this service.

Now I care for spaces, clean, garden, preserve, maintain and cultivate in exchange for real money though most of my clients shower me with Invisible Money too!

I love my clients. They are so perfect and offer me much more than I could want or ask for.

My clients have been multiplying and I am so grateful. Now I have my mom working with me recently to help me manage my time and energy better. She says she wants to help me out 🧡, but I pay her really good because she’s worth it!

Haha! And I want her to feel the deserved value she provides me. Bonus bonding time also!

I only started cleaning 1 year ago.

An acquaintance on my road asked me to clean her gorgeous air bnb suites. She is so good to me. Sending me away with lunch ($10), feeding me dinner ($20) and allowing me to bring my boys when I need to. (flexibility with working with schedule, money earned simultaneously while saving on kid care).

My boys frolic on her property with her children pecking from the garden.

She gives me full open garden harvest! What?!! So incredible ($10).

My client always offers me Lemon San Pellegrino on our hot gardening days.

It’s my fav beverage ($4).

Fresh coffee from my other client ($2).

She also gave me a lantern, 2 candle savers the first time we met in June .

Yesterday was move in day. My mom came with a fancy modern desk and chair. Home office is pimp.

A friend came by with fresh bread, butter, eggs, 1 milk bag, spinach, snap peas, hummus, crackers, produce. ($25)

New tea towels.($10)

A bone China set, feminine beautiful ($30).

Glasses ($10)

Wine glasses ($10)

Bowls ($5)

Even though I separated from my high school sweetheart in December and it has been a very painful and transformative past 6 months, another friend by in the evening and helped me settle in. It was a fun night.

I feel so supported by the most amazing humans.

In the last month, he has been so kind, helpful and loving despite our change of status. I am so very fortunate in every way possible. I am so glad I have found this game as it has created a lot more fun in just daily life. Reminders of value everywhere.

This game is expansive af

Angie 🧡

PS. If you are looking for a positive distraction, there is some real magic happening at The Invisible Money Game


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