The Telling A Story From The Future Technique

In setting a process like this as an experiment, I suggest to Kara that after writing and releasing this story to the Universe that she keep track of any surprises or unexpected developments at her current job. More about this at the end of the story. Thanks to Kara for allowing us to add our energy to her future career story!

I AM a Magnet!

I AM a Magnet!

When I was a kid, I loved playing with my magnetic Mary Jane paper doll. She had a strong magnet in her center that attached her lovely clothes. Little did I know how much like her I would be in the future!!

Stay tuned in to gratitude no matter what?

After reading Thank and Grow Rich by the glorious Pam Grout, I was on fire to express my true self and stay tuned in to gratitude no matter what. Pam teaches how to change your thinking about wealth and abundance and I am here to tell you, it works.

My first memory of experiencing the Law of Attraction is when I was 8 years oldpersonalized_purple_and_white_unicorn_and_fairy_ceramic_ornament-r3465f58658a24f66b6c92b6b2ae55d2c_x7s2y_8byvr_324 at the county fair. There was a large stuffed white unicorn with a lilac mane and a cotton candy pink ribbon around her neck.  I coveted her for only a second.  My dad won her for me in a coca-cola-ring toss game that was required to attain the prize.  I remember thinking how lucky I was.  Little did I know!!

Back to Mary Jane.

I spent hours playing and pretending with that doll. I loved how easy it was to dream about my future and the things I wanted to do. Mary Jane could do anything and through her so could I.  In our imaginary world, we traveled and had adventure after adventure.

Somehow over the years, though, I lost touch with that playful part of me. Bills to pay, an ailing parent, a low paying and boring job and a couple of failed relationships and I was about as low as I could get.

That’s when I found a copy of Pam’s book in my hands.  Through her work, I was able to start dreaming again.  I have been through a lot and I am still here.

What if this thankfulness thing works?

I next sat down and wrote this description of my ideal position. Even though I am still at a job that is not my choice, I could choose to stop complaining about it. What’s the harm, right? I have no idea how in the world it could happen, but I wanted to experiment with imagining a better job. Here goes:

Currently I have a savvy agent who is amazing at promoting me and there is so much great work both of our heads are spinning. We enjoy one another’s company and deeply respect each other’s expertise. The work is innovative, inspiring, lucrative and there is plenty of it.

In fact, I am actually saying no more often than I say yes. I am able to pick only gigs that touch my soul. The day I was able to pay off the mortgage on my beloved family home where I played with my Mary Jane doll all those many years ago, hit me hard. I truly am magnetic for my good.

I am only working one week of every month at this point and for the rest of the time I am leading our “Healthy Belly-Belly Dance and Yoga for Healing” retreats.  I was inspired to create this program when I recovered from a challenging health situation recently.

I promised God if he got us over this I would design a Belly Dance/Yoga for women and a “Stretch and Release” class for men based on opening the body with ease, sensuality and fun.  Classes grew quickly and now we license practitioners from all over the world.

Now I see how like my Mary Jane doll I am!!  I am attracting participants from all over the world who are kinder to themselves and nicer to others–men and women sharing and paying forward connection,affection,and joy.  An exact fit, just like Mary Jane’s magnetic outfits.

All these years later, I am using my natural gifts and talents to inspire more lilac maned unicorn experiences in the people who are attracted into my life. I am in wonderment at how easy it really was to let go and go with the flow.

You can do this too!

Let yourself set up a highly unlikely, too good to be true, over the top kind of job.  If part of your mind says this is silly, say thanks for sharing and press on!!

Kara may or may not see the exact details of this “Fantasy Job” come to be. That is not the point of this experiment.  The purpose of this experiment is to advance energy into future space in a playful and detached way. If the goal is way too much to expect in real life, it makes it easier.

It really is just like when you pretended things as a kid. The sky is the limit.



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